Archive for December 2011


Suppliers of materials that provide a high level of service to their customers use remote data loggers to monitor tanks and send alarms when pre-determined replenishment levels are reached.

These suppliers never allow their customers to run low or worse, to have their production stopped by low material levels.

DAN tank monitoring equipment enables a supplier to access information routinely, to receive alarms as replenishment levels are reached, to contact there customers to advise of a supply need rather than wait for a customer to contact them and because this information is ‘ordered’ and routine, truck deliveries can be scheduled in the most efficient manner.

Sounds like a lot of good reasons to contact DAN today on 1300 97 31 80 to enquire about how you can improve service to your customers!


Most perishable items, particularly food, need to be stored at appropriate temperatures so as to maintain freshness and food safety.

Whenever a perishable food item held in storage goes outside acceptable temperature it is critical a temperature data logger sends an alarm AND records the level of temperature abuse and the time over which that abuse occurred.

Temperature data loggers supplied by Data Acquisition Networks provide this essential information. A microbiologist or laboratory can examine DAN data records and determine if the perishable food remains suitable for consumption, that is it is food safe and if so, whether it is advisable to reduce the remaining shelf life of the product.

Without this high quality of information, food needs to be thrown away.

Contact Data Acquisition Networks today to find out more about our wide range of temperature data loggers and to better understand how a little investment now can save a lot of money in the future.

Contact DAN on 1300 97 31 80


Data Acquisition Networks is Australia’s leading supplier of remote data logging equipment.

Remote data loggers supplied by DAN enable routine data collection, routine consignment of data to a website for storage and viewing as well as alarms to nominated people when parameters being measured go outside pre-determined levels set by you.

With DAN remote data loggers a user can change reporting intervals over the Internet, change alarm points over the internet and add or delete personnel to whom alarm messages need to be sent.

DAN remote data loggers have high and low alarm points and the delay time set by you can avoid unnecessary alarms when parameters only momentarily go outside limits.

Contact Data Acquisition Networks today on 1300 97 31 80 to find out more about how remote data loggers can save you time and money.


Temperature remains one of the MOST CRITICAL measurements for a variety of goods ranging from perishable food storage through to pharmaceuticals and everything in between!

Data Acquisition Networks has a range of temperature data loggers that ensure every application has a measuring solution that is easy to install, efficient to use and effective. DAN supplies simple chart recorders to monitor temperature through to sophisticated internet based reporting systems that ensure recorded temperatures are permanently stored and available when required. DAN temperature data loggers also send out alarms when temperature goes outside pre-determined standards set by you.

To enquire about a temperature data logger you can contact DAN from within Australia on 1300 97 31 80 or from outside Australia simply dial +61 415 180 818

Contact Details

Phone 1300 DAN DATA
  1300 326 328

Suite 12, 4A Meridian Place
Bella Vista NSW 2153